The Law Offices of Martin Kehoe & Associates, P.C.

upstate allegators

"That's so, says Martin. Or so they allege.
--Who made those allegations? says Alf.

--I, says Joe. I'm the alligator."
- James Joyce, Ulysses

Special education lawyer BROOME county ny

Know Your Rights as a Parent

Allow us to be your navi-gators through the complicated world of special education. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act ("IDEA") is a comprehensive statutory framework established by Congress to aid the states in providing disabled children with a free appropriate public education (“FAPE”). Click below to learn more about the IDEA.

We Are Here to Help

Don’t bite off more than you can chew! With the Upstate Allegators on your side, we will ensure that your child obtains the education that they are entitled to. We have helped families all over New York State. Click below if you or your family would like to learn more about Part 200 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education

Meet Martin Kehoe

Martin Kehoe is a practicing special ed. attorney with over 20 years of experience in the field. He worked on law guardian panels for 17 years. This gave way to his entry into the area of Special Education Law.

Marty is certified as an Impartial Hearing Officer (IHO) and conducts hearings in many of the State’s counties. He has conducted thousands of hearings in accordance with state and federal laws. Currently he is “off the list” as an IHO in about a dozen New York State counties and is available to represent families in those locations. 

Attorney Kehoe is admitted to practice law in New York State, Connecticut State and the Federal Courts (NDNY, 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals and the Supreme Court).

Contact Us

Feel free to call our office at (518) 452-8000 or send us an email at

We would be happy to answer any questions that you or your family may have. To setup a free consultation, please fill out the information below: